The Marketing Committee

“The main goal for the Marketing Committee is to create the communication within our association.”


The marketing committee is responsible for creating HHUS’ and E-puben’s communication towards members and external partners. We are together managing HHUS’ different platforms, such as: the website; HHUS’ Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook; E-puben’s Instagram and Facebook; Sportmästeriets Instagram; Finansmästeriets Instagram; the weekly HHUS newsletter; Events on Orbi; and our student magazine Ekbladet.

The HHUS Marketing Committee

  • Head of Marketing

    Hillary Mondoñedo

    IBEP, 4th semester

    The Head of Marketing is responsible for coordinating the marketing, making sure the content is of good quality and continuously analyzing the result. One of the most important tasks is to support the committee, making sure they have the possibility to grow in their professional roles. The Head of Marketing is also the Publisher of Ekbladet and a member of the Board as well as HHUS representative in Marknadsföreningen Umeå.

  • Vice Head of Marketing

    Angelica Bergkvist

    SMP, 4th semester

    My main task is to support the Marketing Committee internally. I also take part in the creative process of forging different marketing strategies and campaigns for a variety of events. My other task is to create the HHUS Newsletter which includes information from our business partners and HHUS.


  • Editor In Chief

    Felicia Fors

    SMP, 2nd semester

    As Editor in Chief for Ekbladet, my main task is to create the magazine and the layout. Together with the Editorial Group, I decide what types of articles we want to have in the magazine. I am also responsible for the external contact, like the printing company.

  • Webmaster

    Axel Andersson

    SMP, 2nd semester

    The webmaster is responsible for the operation, management, development and maintenance of the website.

  • Business Communicator

    Astrid Ahlénius

    SMP, 4th semester

    As the communicator of the Business Committee, I am in charge of all marketing that revolves around events such as breakfast clubs, lunch lectures and cooperation activities. I also work alongside the teams of Unbreakable, Business Week and Ekbladet. I also administer the Available Jobs-section and assist in marketing various recruitment within the association.

  • E-puben Communicator

    Lisa Eriksson

    SMP, 2nd semester

    As the communicator for the E-pub, I promote their events such as EPP:s (efter-plugget-pub), tentafester and nightclubs. My job is to marketing these event troughs E-pubens social media, such as Instagram, Orbi and Facebook. I work between the Marketing and E-Puben Committee to promote E-pubens event as good as possible.


  • Social Communicator

    Saga Fors

    SMP, 2nd semester

    As the Communicator for the Social Committee, I promote their events such as sittings, sport events, Insparken etc. I am responsible for marketing these events through HHUS various social medias. Im also an intermediary between the Content Director and the Social Committee, and am involved throughout the entire marketing process.

  • Content Director

    Isabella Isaksson

    IBP, 6th semester

    As Content Director in the marketing committee, I am responsible for HHUS face to the public. I create most of the marketing material for HHUS, such as event banners and posters. I am also in charge and responsible for the mästerist posts within the marketing committee as well as camera bookings.

  • Media General

    Rasmus Hammarström

    SMP, 4th semester

    The Media General is in charge of the marketing related to Insparken, as well as communicating out information about Insparken on all HHUS platforms, such as theme reveal video, rookie letter, presentations of the generals, etc.
