Partner with HHUS
Why partner with us?
HHUS offers many different forms of partnerships beneficial to everyone involved. Our business committee acts to connect students with companies where they can exchange ideas and information.

Brand Awareness.
As a partner, your brand will be exposed towards students from the very start of their studies until they go out in the real world.
Strengthen Relations.
We offer your organization the tools to build and strengthen your relations with students through our continous cooperation.
The final result is that you will have great possibilities to recruit the best, most appropriate students.
Here are some of the projects we work on together with our partners:
Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner.
The company presents itself and what they work with during breakfast, lunch or dinner. It is usually held at E-pub or at a venue chosen by the company.
Case Competition.
Companies occasionally organize case competitions for students. This gives us a chance to meet the companies and to practice theoretical skills in practice.
Unbreakable is a race where students run a distance of 4-5 km with different obstacles along the way that they have to get past. We have arranged so that the students can get in contact with different companies in the starting/finish area to mingle and get valuable advice. The companies sponsoring the event also get one obstacle in the race.
Activities at Insparken.
Insparken is the first thing that happens before the semester starts. Some companies then get a chance to meet students that have been admitted to the university. The activities held by the companies are usually formed out to be active and fun, where we get a chance to interact with the companies that HHUS work together with.
Representation at University.
Companies place themselves at the university (mostly Lindellhallen) for a day to interact with students passing through the halls. They might do smaller competitions or hand out giveaways, so that we can interact with each other.
Social Activities.
These activities can be held at the offices of the company, at university, E-pub or other suitable location. The company can then under relaxed circumstances meet students in combination with an activity that the company arranges.
Presence at Exams.
Companies can meet students before an exam and prepare them for what is about to happen. HHUS does the planning and then the company reaches out to the students they would like to meet.
Business Week.
HHUS Businessweek is an annual event hosted by the Business committee. Twenty selected students get the opportunity to go on a few days trip where they can visit different companies that could be a possible employer in the future.
Get in touch!
Interested in partnering with HHUS? Send us a message by filling out the form below or simply send an email to head.business@hhus.se.