Below you can find all the important documents that regulates HHUS as an Association. The purpose of these documents is to make it easy for all the members of this Association, with regulations and policys to work towards.
Statues can be described as the Associations highest organ for internal laws and regulations. They describe the Association, the Board as well as members rights and obligations along with the associations purpose.
Statues can only be decided or changed at two separate annual meetings.
The regulations are beneath the statues and are more internal regulation for the Board, committees and the elections each year. They describe how the management works and describes what assignments each committee member as well as the whole board.
Policies works like general goals and aspirations for the board and Association to work towards. These can also work as a guide for values that the Association strive for.
Board meetings & Annual reports
Each month the Board has meetings where they make decisions that later will be implemented by committees and members.
Annual meetings happens once each year and are comprehensive documents designed to provide members and other readers with information about the Associations performance in the preceding year.
Operational Plans
An operational plan helps the committees and the board to reach strategic goals by connecting teams and their individual tasks to the Associations goals. Operational planning is the process of turning strategic plans into action plans.
Standard Operating Procedure
An SOP is a procedure specific to the Association that describes the activities necessary to complete tasks in accordance with the regulations, statues or our own standards for running the Association.
Steering documents.
Initiated 1997, updated by the Board of 2024 on an additional annual meeting 2024-10-07.
The association's statutes are its fundamental governing rules, outlining its purpose, structure, and the way it operates. They define key aspects such as the association’s name, objectives, membership criteria, decision-making procedures, and roles and responsibilities of board members. Statutes serve as a legal framework ensuring transparency, accountability, and consistency in the association's activities.
Initiated 1997, updated by the Board of 2024 on a board meeting 2024-10-31.
The Regulations are one of HHUS’s guiding documents, detailing operations in alignment with the Statutes. This document includes regulatory information on HHUS’s organizational structure, recruitment, and brand management.
Standard Operating Procedure.
Initiated 2024-06-01, according to the decision made by the Board 2024-05-30.
The SOP for Disciplinary Matters describes how the association's Board should handle member incidents. The SOP guides the Board in its work to achieve as safe, fair, and democratic a process as possible.
Initiated 2024-09-19, according to the decision made by the Board 2024-09-23.
This SOP is a document that outlines the procedures that the Board of HHUS is to follow. A standard operating procedure is the Board's own document to maintain good order and facilitate board work.
Initiated 2024-09-19, according to the decision made by the Board 2024-09-23.
This SOP outlines the procedures and responsibilities involved in the election process of the HHUS Board. It provides guidelines for the project manager and project group to ensure a smooth, efficient and fair election process.
Initiated 2024-05-19, according to the decision made by The Board 2024-05-16.
The Alcohol Policy outlines the association's approach to alcohol and alcohol consumption during events, Insparken, and at E-Puben. The purpose of the policy is to encourage sustainable and healthy alcohol consumption, as well as to be inclusive to all, regardless of whether they choose to drink alcohol or not.
Initiated 2024-11-18, followed by a decision by the Board 2024-11-14.
HHUS Awards Policy aims to ensure transparency, fairness, and consistency in the nomination and selection process.
Initiated 2023-05-25, according to the decision made by The Board 2023-05-25 and updated 2024-05-16.
Insparken Policy regulates the association's approach to the Introduction festivities. The purpose of the policy is to inform members about the rules and responsibilities that come with Insparken, as well as to ensure a safe and welcoming experience for the Rookies.
Initiated 2023-12-15, according to the decision made by The Board 2023-12-15
“The purpose of this policy is to clarify how the system works, in order to have something to rely on if any uncertainty appears. Not only should the E-puben committee be aware of this system, but also every student who visits or wants to visit E-Puben.”
Since autumn 2014 (Revised 2020-12-12), HHUS has decided to implement a policy regarding Student Union ID and membership.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all participants at activities arranged by HHUS are members of the association. HHUS strives to create utility for its members and this policy is to ensure that the efforts of the association goes to its members.
This means that HHUS has a membership and Student Union ID demand for all events that are arranged. Also note that the events/activities are arranged for HHUS members only.
To renew your Student Union ID, visit Umeå Student Unions expedition. Read more about their office hours etc. on their homepage.
Initiated 2024-05-19, according to the decision made by The Board 2024-05-16.
The Language Policy outlines the association's approach to language barriers. The purpose is to act inclusively towards both international students and international external stakeholders. Additionally, the policy specifies any exceptions that the association may have.
“This policy includes information about perks that are given to all active members within the association. This policy also gives a description of what a perk is, what the criterias are and how given perks shall be managed.”
Initiated 2024-10-08, followed by a decision by the Board 2024-10-03.
The Payment Policy regulates application and payment related to events that members pay for. This policy has to be included in the event for it to be valid.
Initiated 2016-05-01, according to the decision made by The Board 2016-03-17, and revised 2024-05-30.
The Registration Policy regulates the conditions that apply when signing up for events that demand registration. The purpose of the Registration Policy is to create clear guidelines for HHUS members when registering for events, and to inform about the conditions that apply when cancelling a registration.
Initiated 2024-05-19, according to the decision made by The Board 2024-05-16.
The Recruitment Policy regulates the recruitment of actively engaged members and aims to establish guidelines for as consistent and fair recruitments as possible. This policy shall guarantee an ethical recruitment process.
Initiated 2024-09-19, according to the decision made by the Board 2024-09-23.
The purpose of the Sustainability Policy is to act as a guideline for all actively engaged members of HHUS regarding how they should work towards social, financial and environmental sustainability.