Why dresscodes?
The dresscodes are there to support our members when trying to decide their choice of clothing for the evening. It is always appropriate to dress above the dresscode, however it is not considered appropriate to dress below the dresscode.
The dress code is a guideline to the prestige of the evening, they have been altered for our traditions and wallets.
Example: A person might think that wearing only a vest over the shirt to a formal party where a full suit is requested is not in accordance with the dress code and not considered appropriate.
Suits are always appropriate for the men. It is never mandatory to wear smoking or tailcoat. Even though it is very appreciated. It is (of course) very much accepted for women to also wear a suit or blazer. Women are able to wear the same dress for the different stages in the dress code, adding different accessories to alternate between the different the different levels.
“The easiest and most common of the dress codes”
Men: A blazer with a shirt is recommended along with a nice pair of clean/whole pants or jeans.
Ladies: A nice, simple dress, tasteful pants or a skirt paired with a blouse.
“Although similar to the previous, this dress code contains a bit more glitter and glamour.”
Men: Add a tie or a vest. Jeans are not considered appropriate.
Ladies: The dress could be a bit more dressed up and more exquisite jewelry and higher heels are welcomed. The dress should however not be longer than down to the calf.
Men: A darker suit is recommended. A tie, bowtie or vest is expected.
Ladies: Same as before, a nice evening gown or dress. However, either the shoulders or the knees should be covered by the dress or a shawl.
Men: A smoking is highly recommended. However, if you do not possess a smoking or the budget does not allow for it a dark suit is perfectly fine. A pair of tasteful cufflinks, shoes and well-kempt hair might tilt the scales.
Ladies: A dress that goes over the knees or all the way down is the most appropriate.
Shoulders should be covered by a shawl if the dress is of the shorter sort. A simpler dress can always be improved by well-done hair and jewelry.
“The dress code of most prestige.”
Men: A tailcoat with appropriate details or uniform is highly recommended. However, it is not mandatory.
Ladies: A long dress with appropriate accessories. If the shoulders are bare, long gloves or shawl are great compliments.