U9 is a collaboration between nine of Sweden's business schools Unions and associations that works to improve education, development and exchange. Each of our nine associations and Unions Presidents and Head of Educations meet four times a year for a conference during a weekend in different cities. Together we represent over 30 000 students.
Education is a central part of U9 and a huge part of all the work each association and unions do regards education and to keep improving it continuously.
Each union and association works on a daily basis with internal work and improvements. The U9 network is being used to help make the improvements.
Together we exchange knowledge, different approaches and problem-solving strategies during our meetings and in between our meetings.
The associations and unions that are a part of the U9 network is
EHVS – Ekonomihögskolans i Växjö studentförening
ELIN – Ekonomföreningen vid Linköpings Universitet
Föreningen Ekonomerna – Ekonomföreningen vid Stockholms Universitet
HHGS – Handelshögskolan i Göteborg studentkår
HHUS – Handelshögskolan i Umeå studentförening
SASSE – Handelshögskolan i Stockholm studentkår
JSA – JIBS Student Association
LundaEkonomerna – Ekonomföreningen vid Lunds Universitet
Uppsalaekonomerna – Ekonomföreningen vid Uppsala Universitet